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Monday, August 24, 2020
A Class Prophecy
CLASS PROPHECY â€Å"It’s effectively 10:30 in the first part of the day, I should hustle or, more than likely I will be late for my next flight. †I abruptly shouted as I check the time to check the time. It was the latest day of my outing here in Seoul, an escape from the weights of being a neurosurgeon. I quickly left the lodging to get my vehicle and drive myself to the air terminal. While I am peering out the window of my vehicle, the large screens in the bustling roads discovered my consideration highlighting the style and showbiz industry.Speaking of design, Angelica Somoray, a supermodel, is currently a notable K-Pop entertainer who is prospective hitched. Desiree Micairan, a bookkeeper, possesses a workshop for moving, singing and acting. Elaina Lara is at present working in her freshest sentimental film with the most looked for in the wake of driving man, Mike Joshua Luchana, who is hailed as the â€Å"Actor of the Decade. †These three young ladies, An gelica, Desiree, and Elaina are additionally International Dance Icons who supplanted the Pussycat Dolls. As I show up in the airport.I never expected that I would run into my previous cohort, Celina Burlat dressed with a uniform that has the logo of a U. S Airline. She is currently a flight attendant taking a similar outing to France where she and her family relocated. While hanging tight for flight, Celina gave me a magazine that highlights Mr. Vhan Gonzales, and Mr. Alexis Virgel Aladad who are effective business head honchos. After some time, the pilot reports that we are practically prepared to withdraw. Such voice appears to be so recognizable to me.So that when the attendant declares the names of the pilots, I was extremely certain that the pilot of the plane which I was loading up is our previous colleague, Jay Roll Solon, and his partner, Jason Baterbonia. So when the plane arrived in the air terminal, I didn't sit around to meet the pilots. At the point when we were standi ng up close and personal one another, I could barely accept to see the pilots such attractive and confident people in their pilot outfits. They welcomed me to a conspicuous parlor in the air terminal. We were so eager to meet again and we discussed our current lives just as think back our secondary school experiences.I get some information about our previous colleagues and quickly, Jay Roll, having met a significant number of them to various pieces of the world, educated me regarding their prosperity and their whereabouts. John Riel Deiparine and Daniel Van Manaez who are both acclaimed old style artists, are as of now in a world show visit. John Riel was named as the â€Å"Mozart of the 21st century. †Daniel, then again, is named as â€Å"The Great Soprano. †Runette Marie Diaz, the author of the best cooking magazine on the planet, claims 52 parts of her Spanish Restaurant.Oscar Awardee, Nicole Manuawan was pronounced as perhaps the most extravagant individuals on t he planet by Forbes Magazine. The Chicago Bulls sharp shooter Kevin Cortez who supplanted Derrick Rose drove his group on a title game against the large three of Miami Heat who were Randy Gumapac, Ryan Lara, and Clark Lauron. They are not many of the Filipino Athletes in the NBA League. May Roselle Joyce Ang, claims one of the most esteemed business banks on the planet. Marjewrie Gallego, a legal advisor in calling, is chosen as judge in the International Criminal Court.John Dorryl Payumo functions as a chief at the Microsoft Company. He is one of the originators of the most recent long range interpersonal communication site. John Aleth Bocal, who is a clinical drug specialist, claims the celebrated Aleth’s Pharmacy. In the wake of holding with the pilots, I got into my vehicle and drive to the closest inn to remain in. The following morning, I began the day with a petition. I turned on the TV and once more, I saw Bea Ayuban on her every day news fragment, â€Å"Good Morning Bea†with her co-have who is clearly his significant other, Tombelle Lara. Tombelle is one of the individuals from the celebrated Altima Band.The lead vocalist, Julian Caderao, is on a get-away outing with her life partner. After the fragment, I killed the TV. Out of nowhere, my telephone started to ring. It was Engineer Kristine Joy Alcordo welcoming me to visit her home. It was at that point dull when I contacted her home. My companions, Engineer Leo Abunda and Architect Xena Gonzales were additionally there. They informed me regarding the developments they have experienced. Kristine, Leo, and Xena are the men behind those extraordinary structures the world over. The night was fun holding with them. Not until the neighboring house started to detonate on fire.I immediately opened my eyes and understood that I was just dreaming as my schoolmates giggle since I was sleeping in our Economics class under Sir Jefferson Guinang. In any case, for me, it isn't just a fantasy. It is a fantasy that needs satisfaction. On the off chance that lone we drive forward, concentrate hard, and ask, nothing would be difficult to be reached. This prescience fills in as a test among the Seniors. May we as a whole accomplish these domains. Much obliged to you and God Bless Us All. Composed by: downbeatdynamo. tumblr. com Written for: IV †EMERALDS BATCH 2011-2012
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Arts Of The Contact Zone By Pratt Essay Example For Students
Specialties Of The Contact Zone By Pratt Essay In Arts of the Contact Zone, Mary Louise Pratt acquaints a term exceptionally new to numerous individuals. This term, autoethnography, implies the manner by which subordinate people groups present themselves in manners that their dominants have spoken to them. Hence, autoethnography isn't self-portrayal, however a joint effort of blended thoughts and qualities structure both the predominant and subordinate societies. They are intended to address the speakers own locale just as the victors. Pratt gives numerous instances of autoethnography all through her piece, including two messages by Guaman Poma and her child, Manuel. Albeit altogether different in setting, thoughts, and timespans, they achieve the troublesome objective of multifaceted correspondence. Guaman Poma, an Andean who guaranteed honorable Inca plunge, composed a twelve hundred page long letter in 1613 to King Philip III of Spain. This original copy was especially exceptional on the grounds that it was written in two dialects, Spanish and Quechua, the local language of the Andeans. Quechua was not thought of as a composed language . . . ., nor Andean culture as an educated culture 584. This letter refuted the hypothesis. Some way or another, Poma interfaced with the Spanish in a contact zone, which is a social space where societies meet, conflict, and think about one another 584. This correspondence constrained him to become familiar with the Spanish culture and use it to further his potential benefit. With his recently discovered information, he introduced to the world a bit of work that consolidated Andean traditions and qualities with European habits and thoughts, embodying culturally diverse correspondence. The main blemish in his piece was that it never arrived at its expected beneficiary and along these lines, didn't get perceived until it was 300 fifty years past the point of no return. Poma joins his Andean information with his Spanish information. He develops his content by appropriating and adjusting bits of the illustrative collection of the trespassers 589. At a certain point, he causes the Spaniards to appear to be stupid and avaricious. The Spanish, . . . ., carried nothing of significant worth to impart to the Andeans, only protection and firearms with the desire for gold, silver, gold and silver. . . . 587. It is evident from this statement that Poma purposefully overstates the Spaniards to be a voracious people. He accepts that they have carried nothing helpful to the Andeans except for methods of eagerness and a strive after force. By writing in their own language, Poma shows his oppositional portrayal of the Spaniards. His transcultural character isn't just found in the composed content, yet additionally in the visual substance of nearly 400 pages. The drawings show the subordinate-prevailing plane of the Spanish victory. They portray the Inca lifestyle, just as the voracious idea of the Spanish. The drawings themselves are European in style, yet send explicitly Andean frameworks of spatial imagery that express Andean qualities and goals 589. In Andean imagery, the stature at which an individual or individuals are drawn demonstrate their capacity and authority in the public eye. Poma taunts the Spanish in one of his drawings byâ showing the Andean and the Spaniard at a similar level, realizing that the Spanish accepted that they were the prevailing society. His drawings, alongside their own individual autoethnographic subtitles, help to underscore the transcultural imagery and nature of his original copy. Together, they emphasize the thoughts of autoethnography. Pomas letter isn't Pratts just method of displaying an autoethnographic content. She likewise utilizes her child, Manuels, encounters in language structure school to additionally underscore her place of diverse correspondence. The instructor student relationship is only one of numerous instances of a prevailing subordinate relationship. The instructor gives out an assignment and the understudy is relied upon to comply with the order. In this specific circumstance, Manuels instructor requests that they compose a passage utilizing single-sentence reactions to a couple of inquiries. .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .postImageUrl , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:hover , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:visited , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:active { border:0!important; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:active , .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:hover { haziness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u69dc91ad734aceb35 5d39d327a32a149 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u69dc91ad734aceb355d39d327a32a149:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: 'The Darkness Out There' composed by Penelope Lively EssayManuel, reluctant to be the subordinate, attempts to oppose the task in a smart manner, since he is required to relate to the interests of people with significant influence over him-guardians, instructors, specialists, open specialists 592. His joke of the errand is seen directly from the title of his passage, A Grate Adventchin. The expressions of the title are not incorrectly spelled in light of the fact that Manuel is anything but a decent speller, yet are intentionally incorrectly spelled due to his purpose to challenge the position figure, his educator. The idea of autoethnography is obviously found in this circumstance. In spite of the fact that Manuels passage was a mass of incorrect spellings, his educator despite everything compensated him with the typical star for finishing of the errand doled out or for simply obeying orders. Its funniness was not perceived. It could have been that his instructor didn't genuinely observe Manuels point or that his educator could have completely dismissed his cleverness out and out. No acknowledgment was accessible, nonetheless, of the cleverness, the endeavor to be basic or contestatory, to spoof the structures of power 593. Manuels objective was not cultivated, in spite of the fact that he showed improvement over Guaman Poma. His piece arrived at the proposed beneficiary, however with no win. The two results were, generally, the equivalent. Pratts article, or discourse, is, in itself, a case of an authoethnographic content. Albeit numerous individuals imagine that she is composing from a prevailing viewpoint, she is really composing from the subordinate perspective. Her scholarly utilization of words and thoughts will in general deceive even the best of psyches. In light of this reality, numerous understudies make some hard memories deciphering the significance and purpose of Pratts piece-a piece at first expected for her kindred authors and partners, who appear to be on a similar degree of deduction in the zone of writing and composing as she may be. In her discourse, Pratt isn't attempting to prevail upon a crowd of people or sell her thoughts. Or maybe, she is attempting to clarify autoethnography and how it applies to regular day to day existence through the eyes of the minority. This is the means by which her content becomes autoethnographic. She puts herself according to the predominant. Yearning towards preferred karma over Guaman Poma and her child, Pratt trusts that her crowd comprehends autoethnography and its applications. Through the useâ of models, Pratt can uncover the informative specialties of the contact zone, concentrating particularly on autoethnography. Autoethnography is the means by which individuals portray themselves as others see them, and not really how they see themselves. The models Pratt specifies show issues of connection and correspondence with all people groups of the world, regardless of whether past or present, close or far. Guaman Poma and Manuel, two altogether different individuals from totally different timeframes, will consistently be regarding each other on the grounds that they share being a piece of the subordinate gathering in a prevailing subordinate relationship. Autoethnographic writings don't address and influence only one side of that relationship, however the two sides. Pratt demonstrates this thought in her piece.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Thomas, George Henry
Thomas, George Henry Thomas, George Henry, 1816â€"70, Union general in the American Civil War, b. Southampton co., Va. He served in the Seminole War and in the Mexican War. Later he taught at West Point and served in Texas. As a brigadier general of volunteers, he was sent to Kentucky, where he defeated the Confederates at Mill Springs (Jan., 1862). Thomas served under General Buell at Shiloh, Corinth, and Perryville. In the Chattanooga campaign, his stand on Sept. 20, 1863, which saved the Union army from complete rout, won for him the sobriquet Rock of Chickamauga. Appointed brigadier general in the regular army, he succeeded General Rosecrans in command of the Army of the Cumberland (Oct., 1863) and served under Ulysses S. Grant around Chattanooga and under General Sherman in the Atlanta campaign. With the fall of Atlanta (Sept., 1864), Grant ordered Thomas to pursue the army of General Hood into Tennessee. Although accused by Grant of moving too slowly, and threatened with the loss of his comman d, Thomas waited and finally defeated Hood at Nashville (Dec., 1864). This victory brought him a promotion to major general in the regular army. After the war he held various commands. At the time of his death he was commander of the Military Division of the Pacific. See biographies by F. F. McKinney (1961), W. D. Thomas (1964), and B. S. Wills (2012). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Conflict Of Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
Peace vs. Conflict in Romeo and Juliet Conflict is like winter, and peace is like spring, warm and filled with satisfaction that is rewarded from facing a harsh winter. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is about two teenagers from feuding families that fall in love, but fate, however, is not on their side and they eventually chose to kill themselves rather than live without each other. In the midst of chaos, the Capulets and Montagues get into fights and arguments, making the actions taken on by Romeo and Juliet much harder. In Romeo and Juliet, conflict is necessary to achieve peace through the feud, which is detrimental to the pride of both households, causing romantic conflict, physical violence that leads to death, and opposition of fate, resulting in the necessity for the balance of life in everyday society. In Romeo and Juliet, conflict and peace are not opposing elements, but instead, coexistent. The most extensive conflict altering all actions taken by the characters is the feud between the Capulets and Montagues, who are â€Å"both alike in dignity†(Prologue 1). This reflects the concept that the two households have the tendency to let their egos and pride get to the best of them. Because this line is the first point mentioned in the play, it reflects the power of the feud. It is mentioned before Romeo and Juliet, foreshadowing the significance it will have on the play and the characters in it. When Romeo and Juliet take their lives for oneShow MoreRelatedViolence and Conflict in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare765 Words  | 4 PagesViolence and Conflict in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare. This play is about star crossed lovers who are from two different warring families, the Capulets and the Montagues. Romeo, the leading male of the play is of the Montague family and his destined lover Juliet is of the Capulets. In this essay I am discussing the violence and conflict inRead MoreConflict Within Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare1295 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout Romeo and Juliet the theme of conflict is conveyed in many forms, mostly through physical violence; reflected in the era of the Renaissance where there was political turmoil and many European nations were at war. Shakespeare presents the theme in other forms as well; family versus family, sacred versus profane, parent versus child and language versus inner conflict. Conflict is a key in the structure of the play; it is highlighted in the beginning, middle and end. As an audience we areRead MoreConflict Within William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1385 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare conveys the theme of conflict in a myriad of forms. This theme of conflict is presented through the characters language and speech, as well as sporadically their actions. Notably, the conflict can be eternal, physical, mental and emotional which allows the audience to g ain a deeper understanding of the characters. Furthermore, the idea of conflict is emphasized further when placed in juxtaposition with its antithesis theme love. The prologue provides the audienceRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Use of Dramatic Devices in Act 3 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet695 Words  | 3 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Use of Dramatic Devices in Act 3 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet were written around 1595, by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play. The play is basically a love and violence play but it’s hard to bring them both together because they both have a tragic outcome. The play is all about two families (Montagues and Capulets) that have a feud but their children fell in love with each other (Romeo and Juliet). Juliet’sRead MoreThe Destruction Of Passion In Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare750 Words  | 3 Pagesoverwhelming and eventually consume your common sense. William Shakespeare shows this in his play â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†through the important conflict between the Montagues and Capulets. The long standing conflict between the rival families - the Montagues and Capulets helped us understand the significant message of the destruction of passion. This is shown through the deaths of Tybalt, Romeo and Juliet throughout the play. An important conflict that helped us understand the message of destruction ofRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet967 Words  | 4 Pagesof ‘Romeo and Juliet’ written by William Shakespeare. Shakespearean time was between the middle Ages and the Industrial Revolution and it was branded by religious changes. William Shakespeare is widely known as the greatest dramatist of all time. Born April 1564, Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is no doubt one of his most famous pieces. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was first published in 1597 and its tragic story of banned love still captures the creativity of its audience today. ‘Romeo and Juliet’, althoughRead MoreThe Rise and Fall of Juliet and Her Romeo1250 Words  | 5 PagesThere is no story quite as well-known as that of Romeo and Juliet (2007) and its playwright, William Shakespeare. Each line was placed intentionally, twists in the plot were well versed and foreshadowed, and each word was meaningful to the story and the development of the characters. Shakespeare had the unquestionable ability to take a story and, using techniques like imagery, metaphors and foreshadowing, was able to transform this narrative into a dramatic piece of literature. Dramas reenact storiesRead MoreRomeo And Juliet Research Paper970 Words  | 4 PagesIn the play Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare shows that young love is deceptive. Shakespeare does this by noting how Romeo and Juliet do not actually love each other. This is represented by Romeo and Juliets actions and rash decision making. Their decisions are very impulsive and rushed. As a result, it impacted them negatively in the future and as well as their relationship. Romeo and Juliet’s love for each other is not actually how love really is. They’ve mistakenly confused lust for loveRead MoreEssay on Fate in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet1096 Words  | 5 PagesFate in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet When William Shakespeare wrote ‘Romeo Juliet’ he told a tale of â€Å"A pair of star crossed lovers†. The role of fate plays an important role in the play. The themes of conflict, love, revenge, religion destiny all tie in with the role of fate. Romeo Juliet were both born into and â€Å"ancient grudge†fuelled by two formidable families, the Capulets and Montagues. Fate plays a very important role in the play, and at theRead MoreRomeo And Juliet Literary Analysis1388 Words  | 6 PagesShakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story, while others may think the play was written as a warning to Queen Elizabeth (Bearman). One can understand William Shakespeare’s ideas for his plays by exploring his influences for Romeo and Juliet, MacBeth, and Hamlet. Shakespeare wrote many plays, one of his more famous one being Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare used many sources to create his famous play Romeo and Juliet, one source being a poem named titled Romeus and Juliet (Weller). Romeus
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Evolution of the Motet Essay - 1297 Words
The Evolution of the Motet The Evolution of the Motet Throughout the history of music, there have been few styles that not only have opened doors to masterwork compositions in their own genres, but have also led the way to other musical techniques over the musical eras and one of these magical music styles is the motet. The motet can easily be confused with other musical structures but what separates the motet from other types of group-performance based styles of music is a piece of music in several parts with words.1 This is the closest definition of motet as can be said without overgeneralization and will operate from the beginning of the 13th century well into the late 16th century and beyond. Some scholars†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Medieval motets tended to be isorhythmic; that is, they employed repeated rhythmic patterns in all voicesâ€â€not only the cantus firmusâ€â€which did not necessarily coincide with repeating melodic patterns.†2 This new isorhythmic principle, brought on mostly by the composer Macha ut, was used not only in the tenor voice but also rather with much more freedom in the upper voice parts. The application of discant over a cantus firmus marked the beginnings of this new revolutionary style, the motet, in Western music. The key motet composers in the medieval period were few in number; Phillip de Vitry and Machaut were one of the earliest composers to institute the isorhythmic technique, which set the style for other medieval composers like Willelmus de Winchecumbe. Guillaume de Machaut was a more famous named late-medieval composer to institute the discant which caught on in other music styles and only helped to evolve the motet into its later stylings. These composers helped carry the motet to the new Flemish motet style. The Flemish style of motets marked the peak of the motet, in my opinion. The Flemish motet was more polished and refined while in contrast, the medieval motet was a diamond in the rough.Show MoreRelatedSatire, Stain Glass And The Hagia Sophia1303 Words  | 6 Pageswritten in the style of the motet. Là ©onin had never wrote any of the music himself, he only notated the music he had learned during his career as a singer. One of the many unique features of the Magnus Liber is the addition of the third and fourth voice parts above a tenor, which are credited to Pà ©rotin. This had never been seen before and allowed more harmonies and cadence to be added. Pà ©rotin also coined the motet and that within itself has impacted my life. The motet has multiple voice parts singingRead MoreMusic History Through the Middle Ages, Rennisance, Baroque, Etc...2017 Words  | 9 Pagesshape musical eras during time. Here I will look at the middle ages, renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic and twentieth century periods. I hope that a better understanding can be reached to why, when, where and who are the reasons for musical evolution. Middle Ages Beginning with fall of Rome in 476a.d. the first half of this millennium is referred to as the dark ages. In society, all power flowed from the king with the approval of the Roman Catholic Church and its bishops. This is whatRead More Music History thru the Middle Ages, Rennisance, Baroque, etc...1983 Words  | 8 Pagesshape musical eras during time. Here I will look at the middle ages, renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic and twentieth century periods. I hope that a better understanding can be reached to why, when, where and who are the reasons for musical evolution. Middle Ages Beginning with fall of Rome in 476a.d. the first half of this millennium is referred to as the â€Å"dark ages†. In society, all power flowed from the king with the approval of the Roman Catholic Church and its bishops. This is what we knowRead More History Of Music Essay2522 Words  | 11 Pagessang for their own enjoyment. The content of these songs often portrayed a hero and celebrated his strength or wisdom in battle or on a quest. Many manuscripts of this music have been successfully recovered. One of the primary landmarks in the evolution of the plainchant and music as a whole was the advent of polyphony. Polyphony is the singing (or playing) of two separate melodies at the same time while still maintaining a pleasing sound. Polyphony was first used in France, with the first in veryRead More The Baroque Concerto Essay821 Words  | 4 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Introductionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; In simple terms, the word â€Å"concerto†translates into â€Å"concert.†Motets by Vidana, madrigals by Monteverdi as well as works by Corelli and Torelli are all described by their composers as ‘concertos’. The Baroque era was one in which many different styles of music had been formulated. These differing forms of music wereRead MoreMusic And Its Influence On The Italian Genre1785 Words  | 8 PagesThroughout history, various styles of music have developed to further the evolution and complexity of music, wether it be commissioned by nobility or, composed for the enjoyment of the normal, common populace. English madrigals, though not the longest lasting style, is one such form of music that has had a lasting impact on the continuing composition of music. Madrigals are defined four ways in A History of Western Music. The fourth definition, â€Å"English polyphonic work imitating the Italian genreRead MoreMusical Hybridization: Surveying Guillaume1653 Words  | 7 Pagestechnique†¦to return to first essentials with†¦economical means.†Three Marian works worth analyzing are the Salve Regina, Ave Maris Stella, and Petrarch’s setting of Vergene Bella. Although Vergene Bella is not a Marian antiphon, it is a cantilena motet expressing Marian praise. Vergene Bella, Ave Maris Stella, and Salve Regina not only contain multinational compositional traits, but also provide evolutionary musical cognizance into Dufay’s early, middle, and late periods, respectively. Dufay’sRead MoreThe Evolution of Music Essay2161 Words  | 9 Pagesinstruments. There are also many ways that the two styles can cross over each other; this is seen in popular music and a lot of video game music. Though many people cannot see any similarities between modern and classical music, modern music is really an evolution of classical music; the roots of modern music go back to classical era. The term â€Å"classical music†refers to the western influence, not the eastern influence of Asia; the two are very different (History). Classical music can be split into several
Al-Fatihah Free Essays
It is named Al-Fatihah, the Opening – because it opens the Book and the recitation in prayer commences by it. It is also named Umm al-Qur’an, the Mother of the Qur’an, and Umm al-Kitab, the Mother of the Book because the meaning of the entire Qur’an is summarised therein. It is also named Sab’ulMathani, (the Seven Often Repeated Verses), Al-Hamd, (the Praise), Al-Shifa (The Cure) and ArRuqya, the Spiritual Cure. We will write a custom essay sample on Al-Fatihah or any similar topic only for you Order Now Its recitation is a condition for the effectiveness of the prayer. It is the Mecci Surah of the Holy Quran. It was initially the 5th chapter to be disclosed but after Furqan e Hameed was assembled together, it was put at the beginning. Al-Fatiha itself means â€Å"The Opening†as this chapter comes right at the start of the Holy Book and serves as a Gateway to read Quran Majeed further. It also has the honor of being the very first Surah that is made known completely. Although it consists of 7 Ayats only, but it still explains the Almighty’s reverence in a very comprehensive fashion and is a great means of asking Allah for keeping one on the right path.Virtues of Surah Fatiha There are many virtues associated with this Surah. Hazrat Abu Saeed al-Khudri narrates: â€Å"While on a journey we halted at a place. A girl came to us and said: â€Å"The chief of this tribe has been stung by a scorpion and our men are not present, is there anybody amongst you who can recite something upon him to treat him?†Then, one of our men went along with her although we did not think that he knew any such treatment. However, our friend went to the chief and recited something upon him and the chief was cured. Thereupon, the chief gave him thirty sheep and gave us all milk to drink. When he returned, we asked our friend: â€Å"Did you know anything to recite upon him to cure him?†He said: â€Å"No, I only recited Umm al-Kitab upon him.†We said that do not do anything until we reach Madinah and ask the Prophet regarding this (practice and reward whether the sheep were lawful or not for us). Upon reaching Madinah, we narrated this to the Prophet (PBUH), whereupon he remarked: â€Å"How did he come to know that Al-Fatiha can be used as a cure? (PBUH) Distribute your reward amongst yourselves and a lot a share for me as well†Theme of Surah Fatiha Allah has taught in this Surah to mankind to offer prayer to Him, who is the Lord of this universe before seeking guidance and Who alone can grant it. The reader should have a firm belief that the Creator of the universe is the source of all knowledge and the study of Quran can provide him guidance. Islam requires a man to commence everything with the name of Allah. By doing this he will keep himself away from evil and wrong deeds. Then there is prayer of Allah Who is Master, Owner, Sustainer, Provider, Guardian, Sovereign, Ruler, Administrator and Organizer. Then it is added that He is the Master of the Day of Judgment, thus, everyone is accountable for his deeds. Mankind is only worshiper of the Lord and for this reason, mankind is requesting for guidance in every walk of life. The guidance which make mankind favorable is required. The one who will be astray will suffer the wrath of Allah (SWT). Brief Tafseer of Surah FatihaIn the name of Allah The first ayah of Surah Fatiha is: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful. (Al-Fatiha: 1) This phrase is known as the bismillah. It is good to recite it before doing any action.The Meaning of the letter Baa The Baa in the Arabic language can have three different meanings: With – With / In the name of Allah Seeking help – Seeking help of the name of Allah Seeking blessing – Seeking blessing with the name of AllahThe Meaning of al-Rahman and al-RaheemBoth these names are derived from the same root letters: raa, haa, meem; which means to have mercy. They are thus similar in meaning and both are connected to Allah’s (SWT) Mercy. The fact that Allah (SWT) mentions two of His Names which have to do with Mercy, rather than Might and Power or so on, shows just how important this Attribute is.The difference between al-Rahman and al-Raheem is that al-Rahman refers to Allah’s (SWT) Mercy to all of creation. It is His Mercy which is extended to both believers and disbelievers; animals, and everything that exists. He says in the Qur’an:My Mercy encompasses all things. (Al-A’raf: 156)Al-Rahman therefore indicates the extreme vastness of Allah’s (SWT) Mercy. It is mentioned in a hadith that Allah (SWT) divided Mercy into 100 parts and sent down only one part to this dunya. It is from this one part of His Mercy that animals show mercy to their offspring (Sahih Muslim). Al-Raheem refers to Allah’s (SWT) Mercy which is specific for the believers. He says in the Qur’an:All Praise is due to AllahThe second ayah is: All praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. (Al-Fatiha: 2)The Meaning of Hamd and the Difference between Hamd and ShukrHamd means praise and thankfulness. The scholars differed as to the relation between the words hamd and shukr. Some said that they both have the same meaning. So, the meaning of hamd, in their view, is the same as shukr (gratitude). Hamd is something which must be done with love and reverence, but shukr does not need this. Shukr is done in response to a favour which is done to a person but hamd is done simply because the one being praised and thanked is worthy of that.The Meaning of ‘AalameenSome of the differing views about it are that it refers to: Everything which exists other than Allah ta’aalaa Mankind and the jinn Those things which have an intellect, and they are four: mankind, jinn, angels, and devils Those things which have soulsThe best view is the first one, the proof being ayah 23 and 24 of Surah Shu’ara. (23) Said Pharaoh, â€Å"And what is the Lord of the worlds?†(24) [Moses] said, â€Å"The Lord of the heavens and earth and that between them, if you should be convinced.The Beneficent, The Most MercifulThe third ayah is:The Beneficent, The Most Merciful. (Al-Fatiha: 3)There is repetition of these two names to emphasize the importance of the quality of mercy. Also, when something is repeated in the Qur’an, then you should look at the ayah before it and after it, to see how they are related. In this case, the previous ayah mentioned that Allah (SWT) is the Rabb of all the worlds. So, He repeating the words, al-Rahman al-Raheem after that, shows us that His being the Rabb – His taking of and sustaining and providing for us – is all part of His Mercy towards us. Master of the Day of RewardThe fourth ayah is:The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense. (Al-Fatiha: 3)The Meaning of MaalikThe first word of this ayah can be recited in two ways: either as â€Å"Maalik†(with a madd after the meem) or as â€Å"Malik†(without the madd). Maalik means master, and it refers to â€Å"milk†– the ownership of something. Malik means king, and it refers to â€Å"mulk†– the dominion of a person.God is the Lord of the Day when all generations of mankind gather together on order to render an account of their conduct, and when each person will be finally rewarded or punished for his deeds. The description of God as Lord of the Day of Judgement following the mention of his benevolence and compassion indicates that we ought to remember another aspect of God as well-namely, that He will judge us all, Hence, we ought not only to love Him for nourishing and sustaining us and for His compassion and mercy towards us, but also hold Him in awe because of His justice. You (Alone) We WorshipThe fifth ayah is:You (alone) we worship and You (alone) we ask for help. (Al-Fatiha: 5)At this point, there is a shift in the Surah from informing us about Allah (SWT) and praising Him, to addressing Him.†We worship†means we obey. Worship is obedience and self-abasement. It means to humble yourself before Allah (SWT) and to submit to His Will. The ayah affirms the Lordship of Allah.†Iyyaaka nasta’een†means we seek help and success. Usually, in most sentences the verb comes first and then the object; but in this ayah the object of the verb is mentioned first and then the verb to attach importance to it, to Allah (SWT). It also refers the status of the slave and his worship which is lower so it will come after mentioning the Lord, Allah (SWT).Guide us on the Straight PathThe sixth ayah is:Guide us on the Straight Path. (Al-Fatiha: 5)This ayah is a dua which we make to Allah (SWT). We ask Him to show us the Straight Path and to guide us on it, so that we will get His Guidance which draws us closer and nearer to Him. We need to struggle towards Allah (SWT) by doing good deeds and by staying away from all bad deeds which will distance us from Him. The Meaning of MustaqeemMustaqeem is derived from istaqaama, which means to be upright and correct. We already said that for a road to be a sirat it must be straight, so this adjective of mustaqeem again emphasizes the straight path. Another meaning of mustaqeem is to remain firm without tilting. For example, a tree that is firmly grounded when the wind blows it is not affected by it. So, the Straight Path is a path on which people are firmly grounded. The Path of Those†¦The seventh and final ayah is:The path of those you have blessed, not of those with anger on them, nor of those who are astray. (Al-Fatiha: 7)This ayah is for the people Allah has blessed and his guidance. This is explained by Allah (SWT) in another ayah where He says: Whosoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, they are with those whom Allah has favored, the Prophets, the sincere, the martyrs and the righteous, and these are the best company. (Al-Nisa’: 69)So, the favored and blessed people are the Prophets, the righteous, the martyrs and the pious. And who are the people with anger on them and those who are astray? This is explained by the Prophet. ‘Adi ibn Hatim (RA) asked him about those with anger on them and he replied that it refers to the Jews. He then asked him about those who are astray and he replied that it refers to the Christians. Impact of Surah Al-Fatiha on the life of a Muslim as servant of Allah.The recitation of Surat Al-Fatiha in every Salat cause us to reflect deeply on our relationship with Rabb Al-‘Alameen; it drive us to ensure that we are sincere to the meaning of the words we utter when we say You alone we worship, and in You alone we seek help. Reciting these words cause us to shape our lives according to His commands and prohibitions, in preparation for meeting the Owner/King of the Day of Judgement. And above all else, it informs us and reminds us that all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. The hamd or praise over, the Surah draws attention to the all-encompassing providence of God, His mercy, and His justice; and thus gives a comprehensive picture of divine attributes which operate to provide man with all that he needs to sustain and develop the humanity in him and prevent him from going down in the scale of life. How to cite Al-Fatihah, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
U.S Human Rights Intervention Essay Example For Students
U.S Human Rights Intervention Essay Should the U.S. intervene to prevent or end violations of human rights (including genocide) in foreign countries when these violations do not directly affect other American interests? The United States is a growing global power and presence. Most other countries are not. We are often called upon to engage in conflict situations like preventing violations of human rights and genocide. Intervening only where our national interest is concerned would only bring about negative reactions, which could undermine our effectiveness and especially our international credibility. Therefore, the U.S. should seek to intervene in and prevent violations of human rights not only where we have other interests but in most other circumstances. The U.S. should see itself as the worlds policeman in an increasingly criminal world, just as other countries see it and therefore seek to intervene in such situations. The U.S. is thought to be a lawful country where the law reigns supreme and where infringement on human rights is strictly prohibited by the law so the rest of the world has a reason to look up to the U.S. to help prevent any such violation of human rights in their countries as well if the need arises, regardless of whether national interest is at stake or not, and the U. We will write a custom essay on U.S Human Rights Intervention specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now S. had a duty to do just that. As we have emerged in this shadow of superiority in this present day and time, we have a duty to help whenever the need arises in weaker countries where genocide of violation of human rights is involved to preserve global peace. Also, the U.S. should intervene whether national interest are involved or not because this will continue to ensure that the U. S. plays a major role in shaping other countries foreign policy and remaining a key player in world politics. Editor and Author, Robert Kagan maintains in his book, American Power A guide for the perplexed that American national interests need to be interpreted broadly to take into account the countrys position as world leader. Intervening only where our interests are involved will make other countries suspicious in their dealings with the U.S. in most other aspects. If countries realize that the U.S. intervenes only when American national interest is involved, they might become hostile to U.S. advances because they might think the U.S. wants to gain something from them. In short, other countries would regard us as a selfish country, only concerned with human rights internally and concerned with where we can gain externally. Acting only where our national interest are concerned may open up opportunities for endless frivolous complaints to be lodged against the United States as a global power and presence. Lastly, if U.S. intervention in the prevention of human rights is based solely on other American interests, our world today will be a world of crisis, so to speak, because such crimes as genocide, crimes against humanity, violations of human rights and humanitarian law would be much more commonplace and no one would do or be able to do anything about it. An example is the kosovo situation that took place recently in Europe. President Milosevic of Yugoslavia was committing genocide and even the bigger countries of the European Union like Great Britain and France were looking up to the U.S. to help intervene. We have a duty to help fight these crimes, however we should be careful not to over-intervene in the internal affairs of sovereign states. We should only intervene as a last resort after much effort at other means (like indirect sanctions, embargoes, e. t.c). I believe it is right to send American soldiers into harms way when we do not have clear national interest at stake if we have to because, if we are to continue making the decisions we make in the world today, if we are to continue pulling the influence that we pull, then sacrifices will have to be made. . U.S Human Rights Intervention Essay Example For Students U.S Human Rights Intervention Essay Word Count: 652 Should the U.S. intervene to prevent or end violations of human rights (including genocide) in foreign countries when these violations do not directly affect other American interests? The United States is a growing global power and presence. Most other countries are not. We are often called upon to engage in conflict situations like preventing violations of human rights and genocide. Intervening only where our national interest is concerned would only bring about negative reactions, which could undermine our effectiveness and especially our international credibility. Therefore, the U.S. should seek to intervene in and prevent violations of human rights not only where we have other interests but in most other circumstances. The U.S. We will write a custom essay on U.S Human Rights Intervention specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now should see itself as the worlds policeman in an increasingly criminal world, just as other countries see it and therefore seek to intervene in such situations. The U.S. is thought to be a lawful country where the law reigns supreme and where infringement on human rights is strictly prohibited by the law so the rest of the world has a reason to look up to the U.S. to help prevent any such violation of human rights in their countries as well if the need arises, regardless of whether national interest is at stake or not, and the U. S. had a duty to do just that. As we have emerged in this shadow of superiority in this present day and time, we have a duty to help whenever the need arises in weaker countries where genocide of violation of human rights is involved to preserve global peace. Also, the U.S. should intervene whether national interest are involved or not because this will continue to ensure that the U. S. plays a major role in shaping other countries foreign policy and remaining a key player in world politics. Editor and Author, Robert Kagan maintains in his book, American Power A guide for the perplexed that American national interests need to be interpreted broadly to take into account the countrys position as world leader. Intervening only where our interests are involved will make other countries suspicious in their dealings with the U.S. in most other aspects. If countries realize that the U.S. intervenes only when American national interest is involved, they might become hostile to U.S. advances because they might think the U.S. wants to gain something from them. In short, other countries would regard us as a selfish country, only concerned with human rights internally and concerned with where we can gain externally. Acting only where our national interest are concerned may open up opportunities for endless frivolous complaints to be lodged against the United States as a global power and presence. Lastly, if U.S. intervention in the prevention of human rights is based solely on other American interests, our world today will be a world of crisis, so to speak, because such crimes as genocide, crimes against humanity, violations of human rights and humanitarian law would be much more commonplace and no one would do or be able to do anything about it. An example is the kosovo situation that took place recently in Europe. President Milosevic of Yugoslavia was committing genocide and even the bigger countries of the European Union like Great Britain and France were looking up to the U.S. to help intervene. We have a duty to help fight these crimes, however we should be careful not to over-intervene in the internal affairs of sovereign states. We should only intervene as a last resort after much effort at other means (like indirect sanctions, embargoes, e. t.c). I believe it is right to send American soldiers into harms way when we do not have clear national interest at stake if we have to because, if we are to continue making the decisions we make in the world today, if we are to continue pulling the influence that we pull, then sacrifices will have to be made. . U.S Human Rights Intervention Essay Example For Students U.S Human Rights Intervention Essay Should the U.S. intervene to prevent or end violations of human rights (including genocide) in foreign countries when these violations do not directly affect other American interests? The United States is a growing global power and presence. Most other countries are not. We are often called upon to engage in conflict situations like preventing violations of human rights and genocide. Intervening only where our national interest is concerned would only bring about negative reactions, which could undermine our effectiveness and especially our international credibility. Therefore, the U.S. should seek to intervene in and prevent violations of human rights not only where we have other interests but in most other circumstances. The U.S. should see itself as the worlds policeman in an increasingly criminal world, just as other countries see it and therefore seek to intervene in such situations. The U.S. is thought to be a lawful country where the law reigns supreme and where infringement on human rights is strictly prohibited by the law so the rest of the world has a reason to look up to the U.S. to help prevent any such violation of human rights in their countries as well if the need arises, regardless of whether national interest is at stake or not, and the U. We will write a custom essay on U.S Human Rights Intervention specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now S. had a duty to do just that. As we have emerged in this shadow of superiority in this present day and time, we have a duty to help whenever the need arises in weaker countries where genocide of violation of human rights is involved to preserve global peace. Also, the U.S. should intervene whether national interest are involved or not because this will continue to ensure that the U. S. plays a major role in shaping other countries foreign policy and remaining a key player in world politics. Editor and Author, Robert Kagan maintains in his book, American Power A guide for the perplexed that American national interests need to be interpreted broadly to take into account the countrys position as world leader. Intervening only where our interests are involved will make other countries suspicious in their dealings with the U.S. in most other aspects. If countries realize that the U.S. intervenes only when American national interest is involved, they might become hostile to U.S. advances because they might think the U.S. wants to gain something from them. In short, other countries would regard us as a selfish country, only concerned with human rights internally and concerned with where we can gain externally. Acting only where our national interest are concerned may open up opportunities for endless frivolous complaints to be lodged against the United States as a global power and presence. Lastly, if U.S. intervention in the prevention of human rights is based solely on other American interests, our world today will be a world of crisis, so to speak, because such crimes as genocide, crimes against humanity, violations of human rights and humanitarian law would be much more commonplace and no one would do or be able to do anything about it. An example is the kosovo situation that took place recently in Europe. President Milosevic of Yugoslavia was committing genocide and even the bigger countries of the European Union like Great Britain and France were looking up to the U.S. to help intervene. We have a duty to help fight these crimes, however we should be careful not to over-intervene in the internal affairs of sovereign states. We should only intervene as a last resort after much effort at other means (like indirect sanctions, embargoes, e. t.c). I believe it is right to send American soldiers into harms way when we do not have clear national interest at stake if we have to because, if we are to continue making the decisions we make in the world today, if we are to continue pulling the influence that we pull, then sacrifices will have to be made. .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 , .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 .postImageUrl , .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 , .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767:hover , .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767:visited , .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767:active { border:0!important; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767:active , .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767 .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud07b8e9e60521d174d25816a70c96767:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: To Help Us With Our Study Of Origins, We Will Use Two Main Sources: Th EssaySocial Issues .
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